Grizzly Man
I was impressed by this movie. I was on and saw the premise. I then went to the video store and picked it up, not really knowing what was going to happen.
It is a documentary (my favorite genre, btw) about a guy who spends his summers up north in Alaska "Saving Grizzly Bears". This guy films them, studies them, and interacts with them. Over a hundred hours of film were used in the making of this documentary.
See, the thing is, this guy dies, at the hands of a grizzly bear. The movie tells you that at just about the start. You are left with a haunting feeling every time you see him in the same frame as one of these massive beasts. He talks to them like they are his children, he nicknames them, he goes around and gives presentations to school children for free. I am impressed with this guy, but at the same time, when you hear him talk and give his narrative on camera, there is something wrong.
He doesn't sound like a biologist, or a reputable person studying wildlife or making a documentary. The filmmaker (some German guy, with a cool accent) is doing a posthumus study on the man, and by necessity the bears are included.
At the end of the film, you see that this Grizzly Man is really mentally disturbed, and his manic ramblings about the National Park Service or outfitters show that he is walking on the edge, as if living with Grizzly Bears doesn't prove his insanity already.
The film does not discuss how this guy needed to "Save The Bears" and actually shows that this guy did more harm than good! I was very surprised that I didn't feel at all sorry for him when they talked about him dying. I think he was trying to be Jane Goodall or something, and just didn't pull it off.