I'm lucky I have never had any problems in airports. Except Orlando, where the lines were pretty long (but compared to some of the lines in Disney they were nothing).
Is there always going to be a risk of hijackers? YES.
Is there any surefire security? NO.
If you profile, they'll just get around it by using the least suspectable people.
If you random, they'll just send 3-4 at a time and at least 1-2 will get through if not all of them.
If you look for the nervous types, you are an idiot, the hijackers are probably going to be the coolest people in the terminal.
If you look for the coolest people in the airport, they'll be the nervous ones.
We may complain about security and believe it is not up to standards, but how many more rights, long of waits and so on do you want?
I feel the security is as good as it can get given our freedoms and liberties. Taking anymore would be foolish.
If someone is determined enough they'll find ways..... thank God noone has since 9/11, but there will be another hijacking, it is inevitable. And then what? Do we give away more rights and liberties? Run scared and let the government control that much more of our lives? And the terrorists will still hijack, still create troubles....
I say no, the very fact we have freedoms and liberties maybe what is saving us. Look at how terrorism runs rampant in Isreal. They give up rights we have and still get it far worse than we ever will.
Our saving grace maybe the fact that with FREEDOM, comes laziness and more love and respect for us when they get here.
To me, 9/11 was an aberration (and you can hate me, you can view me as nuts, uncaring, whatever...... for this view). It was an abberation because I truly believe even those who planned it probably did not expect it to work.
We have had 3 major acts of terrorism on our soil...... WTC 1 (1993), OKC (1995), and WTC 2 (9/11/2001).
1 of the three was from one of our own.
The 2 "true Muslim terrorist attacks" occurred the year after a presidential change. (If you blame Clinton for the second, it would follow you would have to blame Bush I for the first attack).
Only once were airplanes involved.
My point is in the years I have been alive, the USA has been safe, in fact it is safe today. All the BS about raising the alerts and taking away rights, freedoms and liberties, is just that BS. The patriot Act and Bush with his illegal wiretaps and the security at airports and so on, only take away our freedoms.... In the end the terrorists will have more freedoms than we do. They are used to working in strict confines regarding freedoms, the loss of rights and freedoms will hinder and hurt us far more than ANY terrorist ever could.... and the fact when they get here and experience the freedoms we do have, perhaps, just perhaps, the freedoms end up meaning more than attacking us.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"
Last edited by pan6467; 01-02-2006 at 11:47 PM..