Bunch of stuff. I have been:
* a public info/public relations hack producing press releases, in-house newspapers and customer newsletters, etc. for an insurance company, a job training agency, etc. I still do it for fun as a volunteer sometimes, for local nonprofits. Had a journalism degree, but after dealing with journos from the other side the desk for a few years, I decided it was all too sleazy for me.
* Technical writer. Never worked for a hot-start up (some that burned out), but I kicked around the SF Bay Area for 20 years as a grunt writer, manager, and W2 contractor (the easy road). Document your general ledger system? No problem! Installation manual for that rack server? Rightaway sir! UNIX manpages? My specialty! E-commerce online help? A pleasure, guv! As a W2 contractor for a _really_ good agent, I could take three or four months off whenever I wanted, and come back when I was ready to find a job waiting. It was sweet, no denying. It's not like that anymore, but I'm attempting to get back into tech writing after an abortive adventure in...
* Education. Got laid off from a manager job (yep, promoted to my level of incompentence, and laid off -- typical story) and decided to go into education; I enjoyed working with kids. Got the credential and found out that I enjoy working with kids until, oh, Wednesday noon every week. Then I'm ready for a four-day weekend. I just don't have the stamina and frankly, I'm a team player -- and no, kids don't count as part of the team. I get antsy in that classroom with no other adults to bounce things off of.
Currently looking for tech writing jobs in my area since November, and not having too much luck. But it's the end of the year and things should pick up. I've also got multiple applications out for admin jobs at the local university. With a background in writing, supervision, education, software, databases, and education, there are about six openings up there that I'm qualified for, and there's nothing I'd like better at this point in life (50) than a good, steady civil service job. I'm hoping that my age doesn't weight against me up there, or back in tech writing.
We're not rich, but the house is paid for. So we've got options. But my wife has continuing medical problems and we have no company retirement plans, so I'll probably work straight on until 65, and beyond if necessary.
Last edited by Rodney; 01-02-2006 at 07:28 PM..