Thank you for adding another simple game that my young RP'ing self can enjoy.
I watched my friends play D & D when it was first released, I was curious. Decades later, I enter via computer games of the highest amusement and least complexity for someone like myself easily lost in concepts of stats and strategy. That's what I get for sticking to Tetris and the like.
I have played Kingdom of Loathing on and off for a bit over a year now, it has its charms. This is a game closer to what I think of for games.
Much appreciation for your sharing!
I will quickly add, that I'm easily lost in it, unsure of what to do, yet, excited by the taste of an old style game with back story and skill gaining. I will hit that Help button often.
Last edited by Min; 01-02-2006 at 03:02 PM..