Deleting your temp folder shouldn't affect anything
unless something took over your system
running from the temp folder.
In any case it's good to be rid of whatever that was.
Reinstalling older versions of windows
over the top of it's self, won't delete your files
unless you tell it to.
Win XP will delete everything except my documents
My experence with reinstalling is that it
doesn't help half of the time.
a full format clean install is much better
Something that might work is windows update could get lucky
As far as backing up files....
it's good practice to keep a copy of
anything important to you
(easier said than done..I'm about a gig behind

dont forget favorites/address book
To determine if the time loss is a result of a weak computer battery, follow these steps
To determine if the time loss is a result of a weak computer battery, follow these steps:
Click Start, point to Programs, and then click MS-DOS Prompt.
At the command prompt, type "time" (without quotation marks), and then press ENTER.
Compare this time with the time reported by the clock on the taskbar.
Type "exit" (without quotation marks), and then press ENTER.
If the computer's time and time on the clock are not the same, your computer's battery may be too weak to keep accurate time, and it should be replaced. For information about how to replace your computer's battery, refer to the documentation included with your computer.
Synopsis of Microsoft Knowledge Base Article Q189706 (August 24, 1998)
If it's not the battery microsoft has a knowledge base for that
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