Originally Posted by shesus
I also have this burning every once in awhile. I asked my OBGYN about it and he said exactly what Sweetpea said. However, he didn't recommend KY Jelly, in fact he specifically said no to it. He said to get a personal lubricant which is different than jelly I'm guessing. It's in the women's care aisle at a drug store. I would recommend going to you OBGYN, you don't want to let problems go. No telling what could be going on down there.
The reason your OBGYN probably didn't recommend KY is 1) KY contains glycerin, which acts as a food source for yeasties and can lead to a higher occurence of yeast infections, and 2) it doesn't last as long as a silicone-based lubricant. You get more bang for your buck from a silicone-based lubricant, and nothing in the silicone lube should irritate your coochie
Personally, I really like ID. It's cheaper than other lubes, easily available at the local sex shop, and lasts.
Using lube is always a good idea, even if you think you're soaking wet. Your own lubrication can dry up really easily, leading to vaginal tears and irritation after sex (the most likely cause of the burning). Don't use a scented or warming/cooling lube. Those will just cause you pain with a sensitive coochie. Basic ID, Astroglide, or Wet is what you want to be looking at.