I'm 23 and I work in logistics for a major big box retailer: I handle, process, and distribute freight at the store, right down to putting the product on the shelves. The hours suck and the money's bad, but I needed a job to get through Christmas and it seemed like a good option. Now my back is shot and I'm quitting in a week and a half with the hopes of finding employment somewhere else. At this point, anywhere else will suffice.
I'm a term shy of finishing my Bachelor's in English. Once I finish that, it's likely I will put off the actual graduation date in favor of completing the double degree program at my existing university. I'd prefer to do my degree at another school but my honey is here for another year studying chemical engineering, and I'm the one whose program is a dime a dozen. When I'm finished with that, I'll have my Bachelor's in English (emphasis in Elizabethan literature and Victorian novel) and I'll have my Master's in Teaching. Some day, in the future, I'll go back to school and do my Master's in Educational Administration, and then I'll get to pick where I go