Originally Posted by 1010011010
Both are effective disinfectants.
Alcohol is indiscriminate, while H2O2 will be more damaging to bacteria than your own cells at low concentrations (See: peroxisome for starter info). The bubbing action will also help clean the wound and some cranks claim the oxygenation speeds healing.
Consider that you're comparing a 70-90% alcohol solution to a 3-6% hydrogen peroxide solution. A 3-6% alcohol solution will be, for the most part, indistinguishable from water. A 70-90% peroxide soution will possibly cause your cut or scrape to burst into flame (especially if you'd just put 70-90% alcohol solution on it).
I'd recommend the peroxide as it's less painful and more fun to watch.
Bump to all that, especially the last part!
I first learned of HP when I was about 10. I used to run in flip flops and stub my big toe. You can imagine what that was like. After running water through the flap of skin, my grandmother would hit it with HP. Wow, those bubbles hurt for a second and then all went away. Then she dried my toe and doused it with mecuricrome. I was back in action.
I think watching those bubbles go to work took my mind off my hurting toe!