So I had to come to George (small town about 300kms away from home) to do standby work over the xmas and new year period. Now George has notoriously bad traffic stemming from the fact that the roads are too narrow and the town has way too many cars.
The first thing I noticed when I got here was that there were two double-laned traffic circles in the busy part of town. My first thought was "this could help, they shoulda done it sooner", but then I drove through it and another thought crossed my mind: How does right-of-way work in this scenario?
Forgive my crude rendering...
So let's say I'm in the red car and both myself and the blue car left entry-point 4 at the same time. The blue car wants to exit at point no.1, but I'm going out at exit 3. Who has the right of way? Do I have to wait for the blue car to come over or vice versa? Should the blue car not have been in that lane had he wanted to exit at that point? Or is it just a case of courtesy i.e. I'll let you over if I feel like it?
I've had a couple of people just cut across me so I dont know whether I should be apologising or giving them the finger.
Thanks in advance.
*Please note that we drive on the left-hand side of the road*