Originally Posted by Ustwo
Negatives, lower crop yields on top of the higher cost. Mmmm doesn't sound good for feeding the growing population. This will be handled of course by genetic modification.
Higher cost is a result of a lot of political bullshit as well, though. Realistically, the cost isn't THAT much higher. People should be more worried about eating healthy food than going to the new TOm Cruise movie. Remember, until only a hundred years ago or so, all food was "organic".
Originally Posted by Ustwo
Negatives, higher costs in some cases than making the product new. Recycling is fine but won't solve the population puzzle.
No, it won't solve the "population puzzle". I didn't realize it was a problem and needed a solution per se. Also, again, higher costs are imposed by us. Centralized recycling where materials are recycled by a central authority and sold to manufacturers could be as cheap or cheaper than new manufacture.
Originally Posted by Ustwo
This one is the kicker. THIS is where the standard of living takes the dive. Cheap and plentiful energy = higher standard of living. Currently solar, water, and wind can't do it. Nuclear is fine with me, but anything that makes energy more expensive is bad.
Sure, energy needs to be cheap. However, solar, water and wind COULD take care of the bulk of our power, especially in third world and developing nations. Better use of materials in buildings and homes, batteries to store energy throughout the night and cloudy days coupled with more energy efficient devices make for a cheaper, cleaner power economy.
Originally Posted by Ustwo
Very minor problem, the real water problem in most areas is fertilizer run off.
I disagree. In fact, I'd say fertilize run off is a much smaller problem, and also generally affect rural areas more. There is more land mass in rural areas, and fewer people. I'd say detergents, cleansers and, of course, other chemical compounds are a larger problem, especially in urban areas.
Aditionally, developments such as
this could prove useful if the government took them seriously enough to invest tax dollars into them. This is what tax dollars should go for, IMHO.