You have problems. I have problems. The homeless people on your street have problems. They are all real problems, and we all get down about them sometimes. You need to let up on yourself about feeling guilty or feeling down, because you're just going to make the general situation worse. Your problems are just as valid as mine, and mine are just as valid as those of that guy down the road. They're not the same, nor are they all as serious as each other, but they are still problems, and they can get on top of you sometimes.
Especially at this time of year. It really makes no difference if someone has more reason to be depressed than you. Fact is, you are depressed. The question now, is what do you do about it? Beating up on yourself for feeling depressed when you think you have no right is not going to help.
You need to accept that as far as other people's problems go, there's only so much you can take responsibility for. In the end, they'll have to dig themselves out of their hole, just like you have to dig yourself out of yours. That doesn't mean you shouldn't be compassionate, but you can't hold yourself accountable for being depressed, just because it looks like someone else has it worse.
I guess my overall point is amidst my depression, I've realized there's no point in being depressed when there are people to help out there.
Believe me, my friend, I understand this completely. Trust me when I say it's a cycle you don't want to get into. You can't look at depression that way though. You didn't choose to be depressed, any more than you chose to get a cold. Depression is an illness just the same. You can't do anything about it but deal with it the best way you can, and try not to get into a cycle of feeling bad about feeling bad about feeling bad ad infinitum. If you're depressed, you're depressed. End of story.
Depression is a spiral, and it can be really tough to break it. In truth, I'm still struggling with mine, hence my user title. I made a promise to myself the other day to just let up on myself and stop giving myself such a hard time over everything. Probably the best thing you can do right now, is to make an honest attempt not to hold yourself to account over your emotions, and make an effort to just accept yourself as you are. That's the only way you're going to get to a place where you can overcome the problems you face. And you can't expect to be of any help to anyone else until you do.