Originally Posted by Ustwo
Have you ever heard of the term 'red flag'?
What can I say, certain red flags sound like fun.
Originally Posted by Rodney
you might also want to find out if he belongs to one of those social clubs they have in California with the funny names -- you know, "Norteno," "Sureno?" (some irony here)
I'm glad you brought this up, since we are in the Los Angeles area. One guy I can handle, but a 10 on me aren't my kind of odds.
Originally Posted by NoSoup
Obviously, I've never met her boyfriend, but depending on what he's going to jail for, you may want to stop persuing her - or at the very least, proceed with caution. If he's going to jail for an unpaid ticket vs assault, he very well may be upset with the fellow that "stole" his girlfriend - right when he needed the support, no less.
Well I forgot the first reason that he's going to jail, but he did run his car into a lamp post, while drunk. The following day, he reported it stolen, but that didn't work. That's the second reason he's going to jail. He seems to be one of those typical "Bad Boys" you hear about. An idiot who'll do anything and acts with out thinking. To some women, I here this can be exciting.
Originally Posted by Mantus
Smart. Good. Sweet. Nice, move in! Oooookay... Play ball! A very minor social handicap. Don't worry about it.
You are in an excellent spot. My advice is to make a move as soon as humanly possible. However, do not initiate a relationship yet. Don't ask why, it's just the way it has to be. Just have a good time; be 007 to her Pussy Galore.
Hey Mantus, thanks for the support
. I'd move in sooner if it weren't for the projectile vomit. I'll give her a call on the second so we can get together for a drink.
Originally Posted by alansmithee
Ok, so you are going to try to date someone who goes out with criminals, and also isn't shy about cheating on someone? Yup, sounds like a winner!
The only winners are the ones having a good time.
Originally Posted by MageB420666
He never said she was going to cheat with him. She may break up with her current bf and go with him instead, which might be a smart move on her part depending on why her bf is going to jail.
She may brake up with him, and she may not. It's not like she's married, which is where I'm drawing the line. Truth be told, I'm looking for a fling. It things move on to being
, then I'll see to it that she breaks up with him, or I'll break up with her and move on.
Originally Posted by SERPENT7
Sounds like the perfect no-strings-attached (FwB) set-up to me. Just be sure to dump her gently before her B/F gets out, or risk suffering the wrath!
I prefer the Seinfled method of break ups. It should be like a band-aid, RIGHT OFF!
Originally Posted by alansmithee
Cheating might've been the wrong word. But I'm just leery of starting anything with anyone actively attached. It means that more than likely, they're gonna be looking when I'm dating them as well. I've always thought that before you look for a new relationship, you end any current relationship. If you're with someone, you should give them your full attention, and not be hunting for the next one.
Now let's be honest here. Cheating is the right word. Also, let's have some fun before we get into a bf/gf relationship.