Round one results!
Chocolate chip was the most popular answer, with 12 responants, followed by Oreos with 5. fremen guessed the secret bonus answer, oatmeal raisin.
The category for round two: Computer hardware
I'm talking type here, not name brand. Name me a piece of computer hardware! Gaming closes at 6:00pm tomorrow, or whenever I'm able to sign on and have time to tally results, which usually takes me about 20 minutes. Lately it's been 7 or 8.
Have fun!
alpha phi--chocolate chip 12
Elphaba--chocolate chip 12
Martian--chocolate chip 12
fresnelly--chocolate chip 12
flamingdog--chocolate chip 12
Psycho Dad--chocolate chip 12
mexicanonabike--chocolate chip 12
trickyy--chocolate chip 12
flyman--chocolate chip 12
sbscout--chocolate chip 12
barenakedladies--chocolate chip 12
Charlatan--chocolate chip 12
theguyondacouch--Oreos 5
BonesCPA--Oreo 5
fredweena--Oreo 5
healer--Oreo 5
MojoRisin--Oreos 5
uncle phil--macaroon 2
sweetpea--coconut macaroons 2
fremen--oatmeal raisin 1 (plus 5 bonus points) for 6
bobby 0
CityOfAngels 0
Medusa99 0
eribrav 0
RickB 0
I'm against ending blackness. I believe that everyone has a right to be black, it's a choice, and I support that.
~Steven Colbert
Last edited by Gilda; 12-30-2005 at 04:31 PM..