FTL is Faster Than Light, no?
Yeah, I'm sick of seeing games called Killer Appz. It is a game, not an application. A consoles "killer app" is that it plays the games.
Alot of gaming blogs and posts on message boards, and even gaming print magazines, have sentences that start with "Personally, in my opinion, I think..."
Why not just say I think? If you tell us it's what you think, then we know it is your opinion. You have already referenced that it is personal by stating "I" think. Better yet, instead of saying "Personally, in my opinion, I think that the new XBox blah blah...", just say "The new Xbox blah blah." We know it's your opinion, you are saying it.
Originally Posted by flamingdog
Man, forums are a whole other cesspit of bad words and irritating people. We are very fortunate here.
no kidding. Here's to the mods and maturity of the TFP