Originally Posted by Munku
Well I did some more research and from what I'm aware if you take it to court and are found guilty at least in Florida they can add court fees onto your ticket. I'll probably just suck it up and pay the ticket and take the course to clear the points. Thanks for all the reponses guys. 
I suggest you do a little more checking, as that wsn't the case for me in Florida, (see above) which I think is where you are from based on your screen name info. You should get a chance to plead "No Contest", which means you aren't fighting the charge. Of course, you'll need a clean record for that to help.
To add to what I said in a previous post, my 16 year old son got a ticket for an illeagle "u" turn. He did the same thing and got his ticket cut in half with nothing on insurnace.
I would go to the courthouse ahead of time and plead at the window. You can ask them about the process. Or, talk to a police officer.
Guess I'm saying a little more or different research might be worth it rather than just paying the fine. And what you said is correct...if you finally plead not guilty at the actual final court date, you could lose and pay additional court costs. But there are steps in between - including the no contest version. At the very least this could keep your insurance down.