Originally Posted by tecoyah
... Once the situation is relatively clear to kids....tell them its a VERY important secret....
this made me curious...
this brought up a question for me and maybe you can give me the answer since i don't have children and i ask this not in any way judging, but purely because i'm curious.
I was always under the impression that kids keeping secrets = Bad
Isn't what you're doing teaching a child that keeping a secret, esp. about something sexual is a good thing and something they should do?
Is it fair to have your child keep such a secret?
We spend so much time telling kids not to keep secrets, because secrets can often be unhealthy and for kids to be open about themselves and be proud of themselves and their family, how do you tell your children not to keep secrets about other things but yet in tandem have this one important thing they can't tell anyone? I know life isn't black and white and there are many grey areas, but how can a child diferentiate between a a healthy secret to keep and one they need to speak about?