Originally Posted by shakran
Be careful before you go investing too much money into this expecting that she will have to pay you back for it when it's proven false. She MAY have to pay you back. If you get lucky and the judge orders her to. But what you have to keep in mind is that, even though it's a common misconception, the legal system is not always fair. You may not win. If you win, you may be granted minimal compensation.
Not saying don't do anything, just know what you're up against.
Also, you can win and she can refuse to pay. Maybe she doesn't actually have money, maybe she hides her assets. Even after you get the judgment, that doesn't mean you get the cash. General Motors is one thing, a weird-ass woman in a rented apartment is another.
If you know her inside a school or institution, maybe you can haul her up on harassment within the school. Get her in trouble that way, especially if she's using their accounts. Maybe somebody else can help here: could he get a restraining order against her to stop doing this, in criminal or civil court? She sounds loopy, like the kind of person who wouldn't stop. But once she violates a restraining order, more things can be done.