Originally Posted by CityOfAngels
naked killing? What is that? Do I even want to know? 
In D2, when you die, you leave a corpse with all of your equipment on it and respawn in town, with nothing but what was in your stash. You then have to go back and find your corpse and touch it to reequip your stuff.
In PVP games, it's customary to let the other guy pick up his stuff and get prepared before resuming battle, but some like to attack the now severely handicapped respawned character.
Worse than this is body popping. Sometimes you have to buy some new equipment to be able to get to where you died to touch your corpse. Other people can't take your stuff from your corpse, just you. When you touch your corpse, you automatically reequip everything you can and the rest is put into your backpack. If you can't carry everything, the rest stays on the corpse.
It's also possible that the dead character will go back and get some slightly lower level, but still valuable stuff from his stash before going back out. If you kill this version of the character while the first corpse still exists you can raid the body for anything valuable.
Some players will bait people by dropping a sword or ring or something that's a mid level item that the returning player will pick up, leaving her unable to equip everything, so that when she touches her corpse, she gets everything but the sword, or shield, etc. The PK then kills the new version and takes her stuff, because the first body still exists, and the second one can be raided.
It's crap like this that led me to play only password protected games with friends and family.