well, as someone who isnt Jewish but almost is... Jewish people believe in Jesus as a physical reality (or at least most do) they just dont believe he was the Messiah. Jewish opinion would go from the range of thinking Jesus was a crook and a false prophet, to accepting the moral validity of his preaching and seeing him as an enlightened Rabbi There are also Jews who believe he was the Messiah (which is different from thinking he is God)
Islam and Judaism both hold that God is one and God is great - and that you cannot divide God into pieces nor claim any of His prophets were literally God, even if they spoke for him.
Of course, it is true that although Jesus (as he is represented today) was radical in some ways, and opposed to some ideals of the Jewish ruling class in his day (he was after all a rural man) he always was a Jew. Jesus lived and died as an observant Jew, and as such nothing would have been more offensive to him than the division of God into three entities. Christianity was not Jesus' religion, it was Paul's.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas