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Old 12-28-2005, 06:47 PM   #1 (permalink)
Location: Chicago
Living in a new city

When I moved to this city, I really tried to make the best of it. I went out at least once a week, even when nobody else was around, in an attempt to meet people. The first few weeks went well, what with the new grad students moving in. I met a nice group of girls from whom I got most of their numbers. Unfortunately they never returned a call. Oh well. One week I met two new students, one from the UK and the other from Iran, but forgot to get their contact info. Stupid me.

My job generally keeps me from meeting people my age and definitely doesn't have me working with the same people every day, so it's not like I can form a work crowd to go out with. I do have some friends from college here, but they don't know anybody here either and live 30 minutes away to boot.

I have tried meeting people through one of my roommates who works at the nearby university. Unfortunately, she is very reluctant to invite us along to go out. Usually it is us who invites her. We have however met two of her coworkers, one of whom I dated for a short while. Unfortunately, after our last (in my opinion) very successful date she just stopped responding to me. I guess in retrospect it wasn't that successful. That, however, is a topic fit for a whole other thread, so I'll just drop it there.

To put it simply, my problem is that although I have lived in this city for six months already, I still do not have any real friends here besides my roommate and a few people from college. Even after joining a rock gym, regular gym, going out to pub crawls, coffee shops, etc I have had very little luck meeting people. I am sort of shy, but open up quite a bit if someone takes an interest. I also don't have trouble approaching people as long as I've got a reason and I'm not interested romantically (then I just go stupid).

When I went home for a short Christmas vacation, being among my family and friends, I realized how lonely I am out here. For instance, if you were to add up all my conversations, I have probably only talked for a total of five minutes today. Every day I feel myself losing my old sense of humor and becoming more pessimistic. This isn't me. I have always been optimistic but lately have had a lot of trouble looking up, at least when at home. Any recommendations on how to meet some people in a city in which you know almost none?
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