At my university, professors may opt to use the +/- system, or not. But, the university itself does not recognize a GPA higher than 4.0. Seems strange to me that the system is optional . . .?
I've heard good arguments both for and against the +/- system. IMOE, last semester I worked my butt off in Brief Calculus to try for an A. Ended up earning 88 in the class, just short of an A. This professor does not use +/-, so I ended up with a B, plain ol' B. Then this semester, I was working for an A in a class and earned an A-. I would have much rather gotten a plain ol' A.
In many years of college, B is the lowest grade I've earned. I figured, I'm there because I want to be, so I might as well do my very best.
Then again, there's the saying that "C's earn degrees." In the real working world, how much difference does GPA really make? It may be used as a weeding-out factor when there are tons of applicants for a small number of positions. However, I've met plenty of people who do not do well in school, and they are much smarter than people with stellar GPA's. I know, a little off-topic, but I felt it was worth mentioning.
Onward, through the fog . . .