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Old 12-28-2005, 04:05 PM   #11 (permalink)
I want a Plaid crayon
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Originally Posted by Nikilidstrom
500 is plenty to replace all 3 and get new memory, as long as you don't try to go bleeding edge. Try this layout straight from newegg:

AMD Athlon 64 3200+.....................................................$162
DFI LANPARTY UT nF4 Ultra-D mobo.................................$132
PNY Geforce 6600GT 128MB.............................................$122
CORSAIR ValueSelect 1GB DDR 400 ram (Dual Channel)....$76


and thats just with a quick look and 1 bundle deal (cpu/gpu). If you take some time, you might be able to come up with an even better configuration for that kinda cash. Good luck to ya, I'm going through the same process myself.

New egg is one hell of a good site but i wouldnt bother with a DFI motherboard thats a bit pricy. get a gigabyte motherboard from them good brand low price. If not gigabyte a asus would be a good choice. The few extra features are most likely not going to be anything you would use. spend about $75 on one and put another $50 into a better video card or a slightly better processor. Corsair valueselect ram is great btw. just put two gig of it into the system i just built. ( all ordered from newegg) If you want you could hold off getting ram if yours is good enough to keep and put even more into the vid card and cpu. 512mb is still enough to get by but you will need to add more sooner or later.
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