Something nice happen lately?
This is the anti-bitching thread. We all had fun with the "what annoys you" thread. This is where you report nice things that happened to you.
I'll start.
Yesterday, I got in line at the supermarket. I had 3 things. The lady in front of me had about 1/2 a cartful.
She was waiting in line when I came up behind her, looking at the magazines to pass the time as the person ahead of her checked out. I'd say she was in her mid to late 40's.
We made eye contact and I smiled. She smiled back. She noticed that I had 3 things and that she had 1/2 a cart.
She said, "Please, go ahead. You only have a couple of things."
I said, "Honestly, I couldn't. You're very kind, but you were here first. I don't mind waiting."
She replied, "Oh, no, really, I insist. Please go ahead."
I felt like I was in "Sense and Sensibility" where everyone is so damn polite, even when the are arguing. Very british. Very civil.
So I thanked her and went ahead. As I left the line, I turned back and said, "You know, I'm used to holding the door, not having it held. That was nice, thank you." We exchanged a smile and I left.
Funny, but I'm used to behaving in a "chivalrous" manner. I like it. I won't tolerate rude or uncivil behavior in others, but I always try to be polite and nice. Hold the door, etc. This lady turned the tables.
It felt good.
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