I was surprised how vicious Kong was.
in some ways I applaud Jackson for making Kong less of a 'monster'...
In other ways I really found the original Kong's total badass act to be more believable in some ways. I mean, in the original Kong, he's really not up to date on his Enlightenment philosophy, so he doesn't mind munching, stamping and crushing people at all. In the original, Kong treats people like ants, and when I think about the way I casually crush ants, it doesn't seem to me to be so preposterous for Kong to vindictively or even ambivalently kill the small creatures stinging him.
At the same time, his tragic end was pretty poignant. I mean, Kong was behind the wall for a reason obviously, and while I can't condone the human sacrifice business, taking him to New York was obviously a mistake and pretty cruel act.
The look on Kong's face when he gets shot for the first time on the Empire State Building, is surprise, almost disbelief, and then this quiet sadness...
Great, great film.