I went to the mall Friday night to do some christmas shopping. I was getting in my car, when I remembered I had forgotten to stop by KB Toys to buy something for my nephew. So I'm walking back in to the mall, and when I'm about to get to the door, I see this kid, maybe 11 or 12, sitting on the curb with a $100 bill in his hand and sobbing. I walked over to him and asked if he was alright. This is where it gets really sad.
He told me that he has 2 brothers and a younger sister. They're all between 4 and 8. They live with their mom, who works 2 jobs just to get by. Apparently, she had been saving what little she could to buy Christmas presents for her kids.
Since she had to go to work, she gave him $200 and dropped him off at the mall so he could buy some presents for everyone. Apparently, as soon as he walked into the mall, some one ran and snatched one of the $100 bills from his hand, and now he didnt have enough money to get nice presents for everyone.
I asked him why he didnt put it in his pocket or wallet, and he just started crying even more...said he didnt know. I felt really bad for the little kid, you know?
Then he said that the worst part was that he screamed for help and no one did anything! The funny thing is, when he was telling me this... he was almost whispering and I could hardly hear what he was saying.
I said "Well, how loud did you scream". He said "Like this..." and showed me, but truth be told, I could hardly hear him, so its unlikely that passersby in a loud mall would have heard him. I said.."Well, thats why. You can't scream."
He said "I'm sorry! I cant scream any louder!". I asked "Are you sure you can't scream any louder?" He said "Yeah, thats all." I told him "No wonder... no one can hear you calling for help". So I snatched the other $100 bill from his hand and took off running.

Not really. Hope everybody had a Merry Christmas....