I'm only going to post to this thread once, I hope, because I really dislike this topic of discussion*.
1) Asian females' attraction to Caucasian males:
Statistics. This has already been mentioned, so here's my gloss:
Across the US, Asians are still one of the smallest minority groups. Despite the fact that they tend to be heavily concentrated in particular areas, Asian males and females are still, usually, statistically a minority.** To date solely within an ethnic group makes your options very limited. I believe females feel they have more opportunity by disregarding ethnic background and looking for whatever it is they are looking for in the population of available persons (be they male, female, or whatever color of the pigment rainbow).
**That being said, I am from the Silicone Valley where some cities are now almost 50% Asian, mostly Asian Indian. In some cities here, Asians are literally the majority. In the last US Census, almost half of the top Asian populated cities were from the Bay Area.
2) Caucasian males' attraction to Asian females:
Exoticism. Someone has already explain the long history of Westerners exoticizing Asian females.
3) The thing about the average Asian being 10cm shorter than a Caucasian means half of the Asian population is taller than "10cm shorter than the average Caucasian" and that half of the Caucasian population is "10m shorter than the average Caucasian." There is far more overlap than that statement initially leads you to believe, so arguing about the three personal observations of outliers of Asians who are taller than that statement and the Caucasians who are shorter than that statement is moot because the statement does take that into account.
* 4) I dislike this topic because it's not an "issue" as far as I'm concerned. Based on personal observation, most of the "concerned" voices are Asian males. I think we should really be looking to that for the answers and not Asian F/Caucasian M.
Again this goes back to the history of Asian and Western relations. Asian males have been made social outcasts. Many of the stereotypes have been mentioned (too short, small penis, cultural differences, etc.). I believe many Asian men, and other people who "theorize" about why Asian females date Caucasian men, are really just looking for someone to blame for their frustration with dating women, of all pigments. Many of the Asian male stories are "I get rejected by Asians. I get rejected by Caucasians. I get rejected etc. etc." The source/reason of the topic seems to boil down to jealousy, frustration, and/or misogyny.
What can we do about it? Stop fighting over petty concerns like who is dating who and focus on how to break stereotypes, not proliferate them by making "theories" about entire populations based on 2 personal observations.***
***And yes, I'm aware I am making personal observations about Asian males to make this point. It's not an absolute statement, as there are always outliers and exceptions to the rules. I am not referring to all Asian males, but those who are complaining about and/or discussing (Asian) American females' dating as an "issue."
Other reasons I dislike this discussion: I get tired of listening to people bicker about racism, sexism, stereotyping, etc. Life is not black and white, but this discussion almost always approaches the topic in that manner, which I find highly irritating.
=^-^= motdakasha =^-^=
Just Google It.
BA Psychology & Photography
(I'm not going psychoanalyze you nor will I let you cry on my shoulder. Have a nice day.)
Last edited by motdakasha; 12-27-2005 at 09:55 AM..