I watched the original over the holidays and really enjoyed it. It was a wonderful escapist adventure. I now feel ready to see the new one,though I'm not going to rush out for it.
Possible spoilers from the Original
I was surprised how vicious Kong was. In this version, he really is a monster: Several innocent bystanders are killed in brutal fashion, and he doesn't show any compassion at all until the very end, and then only to Anne Darrow.
The promos for the new movie play up the "love" angle, but I didn't see that at all in the original. Kong was more like a jealous lover and obsessive stalker, than the gentle giant who gets pushed too far, implied by the trailers.
Many have commented on how faithful Jackson is to the original, so I look forward to seeing it.
Building an artificial intelligence that appreciates Mozart is easy. Building an A.I. that appreciates a theme restaurant is the real challenge - Kit Roebuck - Nine Planets Without Intelligent Life