flamingdog - I'll PM you their myspace page when I'm done typing this. As much as I would like to tell everyone about my bro's band, it's not my intention to spam.
Here's the reason why I think I created the term, "pwned.":
I was playing Counter-Strike waaaaay back when I was in high school (probably 10th grade; I graduated in '02). I forgot the name of the map I was playing, but I remember it had this hallway the CT's could access by running up stairs towards the beginning of the map, shooting a vent, and hopping in. There were balconies to snipe people from, and I remember towards the middle of the map, you can duck down and walk underneath the building to the other side. Might've been called inferno but I'm not sure.
I sucked at Counter-Strike. I STILL suck at Counter-strike but that's besides the point. I got "ganked" (which was a term unknown to me at the time; I don't think they use it in CT anyways) and, trying to stay in a happy spirit, I typed, "Man, I just got owned!" Thing is, when I typed the "o," I accidentally hit "p" instead, so it came out like, "Man, I just got pwned!" The room would not stop laughing at me. They were like, "He said pwned! Haahahahaha! What a dumbass!" and "pwned? WTF is that shit?"...etc. Months later, I find "pwned" has encompassed the internet as a whole, sucking it into its void of mind-numbing laziness.
The reason I, at the same time, DON'T believe I created it, is because anyone could've had the same exact experience, and it could've been coined THEN.