Oh man, N00b needs to go.
Hey man, what kind of band is it? Anything out there I can apply my ear to?
Gilda: I mean 'Product' in the sense of 'output'. They use it on Penny Arcade a fair bit, talking about games as a whole as 'Product'. It just seems a very business-orientated view to take of something that, at its root, ought to be about fun and playfulness.
'Robust' is used in the sense of specific features in games being well-designed. Again, it has a corporate flavour to it that makes me want to go and brush my teeth when I hear it. Like, one might say the costume creation engine in City of Heroes (which is arguably the best thing about the game) is very 'robust'. Grrrr.
'Meme', well it's not a gaming term as such, but it's definitely touted around in gaming circles. One of my most ill-advised pastimes is trawling crappy Livejournals in a masochistic orgy of angst and bitterness. Those surveys that people circulate to be filled in and posted on your 'blog'. It's overused in certain places, for sure.
'Ganked' and 'Zerged' are MMOG terms that just need chopping off at the knees and then machine gunning for good measure.
And Machinima, I have no clue what it means, but if you read gaming blogs, you'll see it EVERYWHERE.
Last edited by flamingdog; 12-26-2005 at 01:54 PM..