hospital bill
I injured my hand at work back in may.I didn't go to the doctor right away because Ithought it was just bruised. Anyway I finally went to the doctor and was given a worker comp form to fill out. Each time I went to the doctors Ihad to fill out the same form .I had broken a bone in my hand. the necessary paperwork never got filed, whitch caused problems with billing.They billed blue cross and w.c. also .Blue crosssent me a questionaire asking about the nature of the injury and i respondedhonestly.In the meantime my employer (a small company)got into a lot of financial problems which drove me to the decision to just assume the bills for my injury myself. In order to keep my expences down ,I cancelled my physical therapy appts. and on my last appointment with the doctor I was told that I had to sign a form so they could take x rays. I refused saying that I didn't feel that they were necessary and I intended to terminate treatment anyway.Three condecending bitches later I finallly got into see the doctor who agreed that x rays weren't necessary.terminated treatment in early July.Between blue cross and myself we paid the bills as they came in .In October Igot a call from the hospital saying workers comp had denied my claim .I don't dispute this, however Iasked that they send me an itemized statement of the services they were billing for. The workers comp people then sent me the whole file. The services in question were for a . physical therapy visit.At that visit the theripist made me a splint and made some appointments ,which I cancelled.I was billed 72 $ twice for the visit and 287$ for an evaluation.Having the records , I read the evaluation and found it to be in error in that they had my injured hand as my left hand and my dominant hand as my right. I'm left handed, and injured my right hand, I'm willing to pay the 144, but i want to call bullshit on the evaluation. Do I have a leg to stand on?