Let me get this straight...
You're expecting the loyal republican judicial committee to actually do their job and scrutinize Alito during the hearings?
I can hear it now... "I can't answer that question, senator becasue it would indicate how I would rule on a particular case." (everybody under the sun knows that this tatic works)
You think that out of some sense of morality the republican congress will think twice before blindly voting along party lines confirming Alito?
Let me tell you what will happen, Alito will be confirmed, and the results of the upcoming congressional investigation into Bush's wiretapping will eventually end up before the newly formed SCOTUS where specific judges have been placed specifically to interpret anything Bush does (legal or not) to be in accordance with the constitution. Remember, it's not about what the constitution actually says, it's about how the consertative judges (who already agree Bush's criminal actions) inteperet it.
Our democracy is now lost.