To re-state the important points: I'm not going to do anything if I can't figure out a way to anesthetize Baby (cat's name). That was the point of this thread. To try to find out if anyone out there knows of a reliable and safe anesthetic that can be used on a 6lb cat. The project is off if such a thing doesn't exist. I'm not trolling for outrage, I'm seeking legitimate advice.
I don't feel intimidated by the concept of surgery. I really don't think it's as complicated as it might seem at first. The anesthesia really is the trickiest part, which is why I'm not sure I can do this. Too much and she doesn't wake up. Too little and she wakes up and goes apeshit from the pain. Just the right amount will only allow a certain amount of time for the procedure to happen. I don't think I'm crazy, nuts, or whacko. If I can put together complex scientific equipment, why shouldn't I be able to make two or three quick cuts with a razor sharp knife, remove an infected blob, and re-connect the tissues? The only trouble besides the anesthetic I can forsee is if I get the skin open and the blob seems to be embedded in an organ or maybe growing inside the intestine. I wouldn't want to kill her by plugging up a necessary passage or removing something vital to life. I'm still continuing researching cat anatomy and hoping to find some diagrams or even photos of what I can expect to find inside. I'm not going to go ahead and do anything until I'm confident that I can do it successfully. This thread is another aspect of my research in the hopes that someone knowledgeable of cat anatomy and physiology can provide me with tips or links to web pages with tips or info.
By the way, I showed my wife this thread so far and she is very much less than thrilled at the thought of me attempting to "heal" her cat. So none of this might happen due to my fondness for my own testicles. But it would still be interesting to find out the information.
If puns were sausages, this would be the wurst.