Originally Posted by james t kirk
You can't be serious.
I know, why don't you get a friend to try cutting you open first to see how well your plan works.
If it's not going to kill her, just leave it be.
I have a lump on my back like you just described. I went to doctor 15 years ago and he told me to just leave it alone.
I would suggest you do the same.
I so agree with the Captain.
Are you i n s a n e ?????????????????????? Crazy - nuts - whacko - out of it - whatever else I can't think of?
I can't believe you'd even consider this, much less do this. You don't deserve this animal!
If you can't afford the treatment, at least put the poor thing to sleep!!! How'd you like if is someone operated on you, gave you a stick to bite on, closed up with super glue and some high heat and then gave you a bottle of bourbon to sip on?
I'm sorry, but I'm jst beyond distress if this is real and not a joke to get peope all riled up!