Despite only having been in China for a few months, the reality continues to crash down on the hype surrounding this would-be enigma.
Check out this thread, which is a perfect example of the sad brainwashing that is utterly standard in this country:
An excerpt:
" p.s. I am curious why you choose china's national flag as your emblem? " is not my is the emblem of the is the emblem of is in my my my entire one who finds no fault in one who always see's two sides....the China side and the side against China....
it was the logical choice.....the best option available to me........I should also say that I think it would have been expected of me.....on my walls are paintings of Chairman Mao.....Chinese Flags...paintings with Mist and Rivers and Mountains on high.....of village scenes...of carved the midle of the room is a Tea Table of one solid tree....18 men to transport in here....
this room is very pretty.....100% Chinese...........anyone who has been in this room...would expect to see the Chinese Flag attached to is a mighty is a mighty is a magnificent land of fantastic and talented people....who deserve better and will work to get better........
I am having a generally wonderful time here, and I believe that there is much potential to be unlocked. However, I wish that people in the US believed more in the greatness of America, despite any disagreements with the current administration. In just a four years, the American people have been incited to unite against the culling of human rights...across party lines and standard ideological borders. Freedom is ingrained in America and the Western world...without that concept, I think, no human can reach his potential.
China isn't the bed of roses it's made out to be, and the US has a lot more going for it than the actions of the Bush administration has led the world to believe.
>> Gah! And Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! It's easy to forget when you're not hearing Christmas music everywhere :-) <<