Additional info:
The cat is 10. I've had her since she was 6 weeks old. She is not some stray I have no knowledge or experience of. The point of the hot soldering iron is to cauterize any blood vessels that the superglue can't seal. The reason for the superglue is so that I don't have to sew any skin. I've read about the military testing cyanoacrylites (super glue) for use as battlefield "instant bandages". The lump is right under the skin so there is no muscle tissue to cut or organs to push aside. I'm not worried about the actual performing of the surgery, other than the anesthetic. She doesn't seem depressed or in pain so putting her to sleep isn't an option. The only reason I'm considering DIY surgery is because it seems to be slowy getting bigger and the lack of cat repair funds.
If puns were sausages, this would be the wurst.