Start saving the money, because it's utterly crazy to perform surgery on an animal you have no experience or knowledge of. You don't have the right tools, you don't have any knowledge of her anatomy, and you will most likely kill her, as she lies bleeding out on your table. What happens if you slip (and you will)? Who's going to blot the blood away so you can see? Don't forget, sewing stretchy slippery super tough skin is nothing like patching your jeans. If the surgery doesn't kill her, this might. Oh, and figuring anesthesia for her body weight correctly is a job for professionals only - it's a delicate balance, and there are very good reasons why even VETS don't like to knock out an animal if they don't have to.
Other options: research animal charities in your area - most vets volunteer at such places to provide care to low-income pet owners. Talk to your vet about costs and ways to cut down on them. Also find out just how medically necessary this procedure is, if it's not cancer... is she in pain/discomfort? If it's not cancer, what is it? It might be worth a $40 xray to find out.
And good luck.
My heart knows me better than I know myself, so I'm gonna let it do all the talkin'.