Reality bit me.
It Christmas Eve Eve. I am at work. Ihave nothing to do, but I also have no vacation, so I must sit here, like a short jail term.
I am so bored I started reading a French magazine we publish. I have at least a reading competency in French, but I couldn't make heads or tails of the magazine. Then I realized it was in Italian.
Yes, I am bored.
I looked at the publisher box in the mag. It listed our offices here as the WORLD HEADQUARTERS. Wow. I have a corner office in the headquarters of a worldwide publisher. 3rd floor. The real fancy pants get the 5th floor.
Now for the reality, there is a hole in my ceiling where the heating vent is supposed to be. Fruit flies have apparently been hatching in it. It is covered with pieces of paper so my desk items don't get blown away.
I do have the corner office view, of a four lane road driven mainly by people who slept through driver's ed. And every day, fire trucks. Without fail. Three, four times a day. The building is owned by Bancomerica and most of it is taken up by welfare offices.
Give me a present. Post anything, web comics, time wasters, pictures of your hot, hot sister...
Well, leave them off, I'm at work.
I realize that you may be very busy with the last minute Holiday rush, but what you need to understand is that I don't care. Help a brother out.
I think the Apocalypse is happening all around us. We go on eating desserts and watching TV. I know I do. I wish we were more capable of sustained passion and sustained resistance. We should be screaming and what we do is gossip. -Lydia Millet