Who wants to play a match game?
Here's how it works. Each day, I'll post a category, and those who are playing the game will PM me something that fits that category, For examle, if the category was COLORS, you could send me blue, or green, or red.
Scoring works like this: You score one point for each other person whose submission you match. For example, if 6 people pick blue, each person would score 6 points.
Scoring will increase each day, with two points on day two, three points for round three, and five points for the final round.
In addition, I'll choose a special secret response, and if you get that one, you get 5 extra points per match.
If you want to play, just reply that you're in by 6:00 PM tomorrow, and I'll have the first category up. No need for PM's yet, just post here and say, I'm in. We'll need something like 10-12 people ideally.
I'm against ending blackness. I believe that everyone has a right to be black, it's a choice, and I support that.
~Steven Colbert