not sure if this is the right place for this but.......i figured what the hell.
if it needs to be moved,mods please do.
so......i've been busy makin' my wife a tack room for all her horse stuff.......
.....saturday morning,sunday evening.......and all this week,is what it took me to build this.
here it is........with the big sliding door closed......and she really digs the window too
'nother view....
a shot with the door slightly open.......
door all the way open to see all the saddles.......
all her saddles and a bit of the gear too...
the view out her new window,looking at the fire........
and the reason for all the stables and hay barns,and now this tack room.....
i present to you.........Becker and Legacy.
momma seems pretty happy with her new room........
did anyone else make something for their SO???
if so...drop it in here.