Originally Posted by Ustwo
I don't see fat in the diet as a problem in itself, and where I can, I lower carbohydrates rather than fat. We evolved for a high fat diet, not a high carbohydrate diet.
Humans have been eating fruit and vegetables for just as long as we've been eating meat. Those are quite high in carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals that are wonderful for any humans diet. I still say that a diet should be 1/3 protien, 1/3 fat, and 1/3 carbohydrates, most, if not all, from natural sources.
Originally Posted by Ustwo
That being said I'd rather have fish and a veggie, but it IS quite difficult at times, and it is just easier to drive through. When doing so I just lower my intake. Lost 30 lbs since last year, feel great, look great, kept it off, and the wife has returned to being a hottie after having a baby (guess now that makes her a true MILF). More than once in this time we found it easier to drive through and get a sandwich.
I think the key here is not making every meal at McD's, but you don't have to feel bad about it either.
Congrats on the healthy lifestyle. Fish is kinda difficlut to do on the run. I'm not suggesting that one should completly abstain from McDonalds, just eat it sparingly. I'd say don't do anything fast food more than maybe once or twice a week, and make sure you actually get up and exercise. Even with a completly healthy diet, you can still manage to be unhealthy if you don't get off the couch every once in a while and go for a walk or play some basketball or something.