Originally Posted by willravel
Yes, the bottom line is that one should regularly burn off an equal or greater amount of calories than one ingests. But McDonalds? (According to information gathered from the McDonald's Australia website) The Roast Chicken Salad derives 27.58% of its kJ from fat. 28% of your calories from fat in a salad seems a bit ridiculous. The Caesar salad with Chicken Premiere has 18.4 grams of fat.
My point is...how hard is it to go to a supermarket and buy an apple? How hard is it to grab one of those bags of spinach and mixed greens? The supermarket is just as fast as most fast food places around here. I can get a damn healthy salad at Trader Joe's for lunch, and not have to worry about cardiovascular problems or liver damage. McDonalds and other fast food places are not your only option when you're on the run. I've avoided fast food for years now, and I've not lost any time.
I don't see fat in the diet as a problem in itself, and where I can, I lower carbohydrates rather than fat. We evolved for a high fat diet, not a high carbohydrate diet.
That being said I'd rather have fish and a veggie, but it IS quite difficult at times, and it is just easier to drive through. When doing so I just lower my intake. Lost 30 lbs since last year, feel great, look great, kept it off, and the wife has returned to being a hottie after having a baby (guess now that makes her a true MILF). More than once in this time we found it easier to drive through and get a sandwich.
I think the key here is not making every meal at McD's, but you don't have to feel bad about it either.