Originally Posted by Jim Kata
I say you get it to the shelter ASAP...the younger it is...the better the chances of someone taking it home.
I'm gonna go home and play with the my cats now.
Funny you should mention that. I just got back from the shelter. They told me they couldn't take it in because they were full up. I told them I could let the cat go in the parking lot if they'd prefer, or we could work something out. They gave me directions to another shelter they thought might have room, and I headed for the door.
A girl who worked behind the counter followed me out and said she had a friend who wanted a kitten, and she wanted to see my stray to see if it would be suitable. I opened the box and she seemed pleased, and immediately got on the phone to call her friend. Then these two guys came out of the shelter, saw the cat, and asked if I was giving it away. Apparently the shelter didn't have any kittens, only cats. One of the guys picked up the cat, the cat started purring, and the rest is history.