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Large hi-res screen, 8Meg RAM & Mega powerful 133MHZ ARM CPU!!
Uses standard Smart Media - totally open source console.
Plays MP3's, DivX movies, AVI, Wav etc.
Emulates NES, SNES, Sega, Spectrum, Aracde, Atari ST, GB, PCEngine etc.
Can play many PC games Eg. Doom, Hexen, Monkey Island series, lucasarts games...
Comes with Linker kit + Software - connects right to your PC out the box!
Includes CD packed with emulators & games for the GP32.
Takes 2 AA batteries for 10+ hours play.
Oficial Site
Well whaddya think? Does anybody have one? I've wanted a GBA for a while now but seeing this, I think I'm convinced.
Which would you choose? Does anybody know of possible reasons not to get one?