Originally Posted by pan6467
I can live with being confused with Will.... don't know idf he could live with being confused with me....
I consider it a great accedental compliment.
What I was suggesting is that government LOAN programs are actually an investment, as I had to pay back my all loans plus interest. In other words, both sides benifited from my loans. I was able to finish and get my B.A., and the government recieved back more than it lent out, much like a credit card. It's arguable that cutting governemtnt loans for education will help the government to lose money in the long run. It also helped to build my credit. The student loan program is mutually belificial for both sides, and cutting it because of irresponsible spending on a war that fewer and fewer people are tolerating is absolutely and completly wrong. We should be withdrawing our troops from every military base outside of the US, like a real republican wants. We should cut military spending overseas to ZERO (which would put at least $100 billion back in our budget, which could help save the nation from hyperinflation or bankruptcy. This is not unreasonable since the annual military budget has grown by over $100 billion from 2000 to 2003; a figure which does not include war costs in the Middle East.), and increase spending on defence. We should stop using our military to enforce our "free market" corporations who want in to Iraq. We should let a real free market let corporations compete over Iraq, and let the Corporation most willing to give to Iraq win. That would help the reconstruction a lot more than thousands of US soldiers. The war on Iraq reminds me of the producers. "We can make even more money if the war is a flop!!"