Just close the loopholes and tax the luxiories that the rich use. For example federal property tax of property that has a value over $X. The same type of tax could be applied to cars, yats, ect. actually even easier just tax a % of assets over a certain amount each year. If the rich want to move because they are taxed to much give them an export tax also
While some of those ideas may be valid and others are probably horibly bad ideas i'm all for simplifying the tax code signifgantly. Close the loopholes and raise the punishment for tax evasion.
One more thing while saying that top 1% pay 30% of the taxes you are hiding a more important stat which is what percent of their income (minus basic cost of living) do they pay in taxes each year. That is where you will see who pays the most taxes. It reminds me of the parable in the bible about the poor widow who had hardly anything and gave it all to God and the disciples said why did she even bother she gave nothing but Jesus said to the discipiles she gave more than any one else because she had nothing but gave it all.