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Old 12-21-2005, 08:36 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by aceventura3
Many people on the left think that increasing taxes on the rich will allow the government to do more. I have assumed that most knew how easy it is for the rich to actually choose how much they pay in taxes. I was wrong. For those who don't understand this is for you.

Good writeup, and you're correct - there are all sorts of ways to get out of paying taxes if you have enough financial power.

However, and this is a big however, it is rather silly to say "the rich are gonna get out of paying taxes anyway so why not just lower them?"
Bush said that, and I thought it was stupid then. The answer is to close the tax loopholes. Make it an even X% of ALL income. So if you get a salary, you get X% taxed. If you get land, or stock, or anything else, you're taxed X% on its value.

Hell, I have a take-home news car so that I can go shoot that midnight house fire if I have to. I have to pay a tax penalty because the news car is considered a benefit (benefit my foot, it's for the company's good, not mine). If I have to do that, then the rich should certainly ante up every april as well.
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