Of course police and firefighters should be able to strike, and ALL so called public sector, for the good of the people types, OF COURSE AND WITHOUT QUESTION they should be able to strike. And at the same time, if their employers find it in their best interest to fire them all, then so be it. That's how it works, you pay me what I'm worth, and I'll do the job you require. If you demand more then the market will allow, you don't get a job? Why is this a question? Do some employees have such impact on society, yet we pay them too little? Perhaps. Solution. Prevent them from job actions? With laws? Instead of paying them what the market will bear? Am I the only one who sees the folly in this?
I'm so exasperated by the vastly superior "I can afford to own and house an automobile in Manhattan" Cyn that I am a little beside myself right now. How the fuck is his wealth and superiority to the rest of us commoners relevant? How does it do anything to forward this discussion?
I need to take 5...or maybe 24...
I'll be back....maybe.
It's alot easier to ask for forgiveness then it is to ask for permission.