Originally Posted by Elphaba
Thanks for sharing that with us, rsl12. I suspect that the ID enthusiasts will appeal this ruling all the way to SCOTUS, if they can.
Only the school board has standing to appeal, and they won't because the ones who supported the curriculum change were voted off the board.
One wonders what they were thinking. ID is just creationism in a new wrapper. Yes, I believe God exists, that God created the universe, and that God loves us, and wishes to redeem us and have us with him. I would tell anyone who would listen that faith in God is the way to eternal life, but it would be completely irresponsible to package my religious beliefs as science in an effort to convince others. The gospel stands on its own merit. You either believe, or you don't.
It is true that evolution speaks to the origin of species, and not the origin of life. It is true (but I think unlikely) that evolution could be disproved, because that is the nature of science. How can ID be tested? If you wanted to present things in a theology or philosophy class about the purpose and meaning of life, and any supernatural origins it might have, then fine, do that in a theology or philosophy class. Don't present it as science in a science class, because it ISN'T science and doesn't belong in a science class.
And, when your SCIENCE TEACHERS tell you it doesn't belong there, perhaps you should listen to them. Or at least get an opinion from someone who actually knows something about science! What a group of morons!