Thread: TWU sux
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Old 12-21-2005, 08:25 AM   #34 (permalink)
High Honorary Junkie
Location: Tri-state.
The NYC TWU is's complete bullshit, if only because they are bankrupting the City as we speak. Regardless, the unions as asking for God's gift...guaranteed inflationary raises (what real job has that?), guaranteed pension (which NYC is having trouble affording already), and, most abhorrent of all, reducing retirement from 50 to 55.

First of all, even today you're *lucky* to retire at 55! Second of all, with special attention paid to increasing life expectancy, the age should be going *up*, not down.

I'm glad that most of you here realize how ridiculous the union is being, and how they should be rightfully punished for the brutal damage they are inflicting on NYC.
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