Originally Posted by martinguerre
there are lots of inefficiencies, redundancies, and oddities in how life is designed. c'mon...appendixes just aren't intelligent in human beings.
I believe it was Richard Dawkins ("The Selfish Gene" author and powerhouse for evolution) who pointed out how badly "designed" the human eye was. If it was indeed designed, it was not done so intelligently...
it is a hugely inefficient mechanism that has obviously evolved in fits and starts.
Anyway, having lived in PA for the last 2+ years I was feeling mighty ashamed of Dover when they voted for ID. So I was glad to hear that the judge in Harrisburg was intelligent enough (and objective; apparently he is a churchgoer himself) to make this kind of decision and vindicate PA.
(not to mention the entire community of Dover, who all but replaced the old school board in the last elections!)